This is the Place where prosperity is at your fingertips

GG - Central™ is a universal social assistance platform that helps under resourced agricultural producers connect with several industry sector experts in addition to providing tools to build towards self-sustainability and a greater world.

Working Together to Help You

The GG - Central™’s team is working together to help producers be more profitable using climate smart techniques, information, precision tools and systems to help secure growth for the long term.

Have access to many vital resources you need using your mobile phone or other communication devices you already have. Connect with a wide spectrum of industry expert information, smart alerting systems plus access finance tools that will help you be more efficient, increase profits, produce better products and co-produce ecofriendly global goals, all to grow your business further.

No new equipment needed! Connect when you want and how you want, simply by using your existing mobile or communication devices.

Get Started Now

Making the difficult easy by connecting to our one source system

In today’s agri-business, it takes precise information from several sectors in addition to smart tools to be profitable, self-sufficient and to continue to grow better for longer. Be connected with all you need to prosper. Let us guide you through each vital agri-business and commercial need to grow your business step by step.

Connect everywhere

Our system allows you to connect where ever you are, with any communication devise you have to each and every agri-business need.

Skills training

Climate Smart skills training to make it easier to manage climate, produce better products, minimize harvest loss, increase production and be more profitable. Make your business more efficient and eco-friendly while securing your agri-business’s growth. Participate with us for your best results.

Disaster Alerting & Avoidance Support / Notification

Receive notice and be ready before it happens. Weather, storms, crop diseases or other potential casualties to can hurt your production. We provide you with notice, preparation guidance or avoidance tips if it's headed your way. Alerting & Guidance to help you continue growing and be resilient.

Alternative Market sales & support guidance

We provide you with access to alternative buyers or access to exterior markets to sell part or all of your production. Our system allows you to sell your products while using that sales’ and production information for your financial advancement.

Independent production and delivery verification

Our system allows you to have your increases, your progress, your sales and delivery performance documented so you can use it to show your capability and growth.

Universal micro lending source

We provide you with facilitation and access to an equitable lenders network whom are interested in helping you grow your agri-business.

Be More Efficient and Productive

Every producer can be more efficient and more profitable by being connected all along the way.

  • Produce better natural products.
  • Increase your crop production.
  • Climate smart and precision production support which allows you to do more, easier.
  • Maintain an eco-friendly / green environment to secure long term growth for generations to come.
Get Started Now